Have fun checking out all of my favorite items that I personally use in my Spiritual Tool Kits.
Featuring my favorite high vibrating crystals to help you on your spiritual ascension journey. I'm sure you will love each item just as much as I do !
I hand pick and put together each order myself, as well as bless each item before it ships out.
Much Love,
Cleanse and purify the energy of your aura and your home with this energy detox bundle. This powerhouse kit is just what the doctor ordered to help clear unwanted energy, including radiation smog that can be harmful to your health.
The act of smudging is a ceremony tied to many indigenous cultures for purifying or cleansing the soul of negative thoughts of a person or place. Everything included in this kit can assist you, whether you need to ground, or need a good deep energetic cleansing. Used together, this powerful combination is sure to help you to detox unwanted debris helping you to raise your vibrations.
*(1) Crystal Chunk. Choose from Black Tourmaline, Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Citrine and Rose Quartz.
*(1) Selenite Wand: Often used to clear energy from physical spaces, energy fields, as well as other crystals. Selenite is wonderful for activating the upper chakras. It gets along well with other crystals and can help you communicate with your higher self. It can be placed on a window sill where it remains charged by the sun and the moon. Average Length - 4 inches
*(1) Palo Santo Smudge Stick: The smell is sweet, woody, and delightful. To cleanse your space of unwanted energy, (don't forget to use a fire-safe dish) while burning. Use your intention and the smudge stick to remove stagnant or unwanted negative energy . It brings pleasure and confidence. It is the most powerful antioxidant and is known to provide physical and spiritual benefits. In addition to energy and spiritual work, Palo Santo repels mosquitoes, and is traditionally used to fight the common cold, relieves headaches, anxiety and helps with depression. Its scent resembles frankincense and myrrh and the oil from the wood works well with the Sacral Chakra, enhancing creativity and balances sexual energy. (Be sure to crack a window or door so the energy has somewhere to go.) Always remember to give thanks as you set your intentions.
* (1) Detox Salt Pouch for Soaking:
Salt baths are one the easiest ways to help our bodies heal and repair themselves. Salt, specifically sea salt, is gaining significant traction in the scientific community as an affordable way to ease aches and pains and promote better sleep. Whether you need to decompress from the chaos of life or relieve muscle soreness, a salt bath can help you achieve many benefits including helping to promote natural detoxification. Water is very grounding and can not only cleanse you of physical debris, but it can help to cleanse you of spiritual debris by transmuting negative energy into positive energy. As a result, your vibration will rise in an instant. Use this pouch in a full sized bath or in a foot bath. For best results, mix contents of pouch with hot water that is tolerable to your touch
Detox Pouch Includes:
Quality fine pink Himalayan sea salt
All natural fragrance free epsom salt
Aluminum Free baking soda
Mixed dried flowers
Organic essential oils
Rose Quartz: Also known as “The Love” crystal, working with Rose Quartz opens up your heart to all kinds of love: self-love, familial love, friendship, romance and more. Rose Quartz can also help to neutralize negative emotions such as anger, bitterness and resentment.The next time you are trying to stay calm during a stressful event, or during an argument, hold your beautiful Rose Quartz close to your heart and focus on the pretty color pink to automatically change the tone of the energy surrounding you from anger and fear to tranquility, peace and love.
Amethyst: An excellent stress reliever, Amethyst is the perfect stone to use to calm your nervous system and to relieve anxiety due to fear-based thinking.The enhanced mental clarity that Amethyst lends, will help you to see things from a higher perspective of your soul.As the color purple is connected to your crown chakra, it is excellent for setting positive intentions and promotes emotional centering, peace and spiritual wisdom from the higher realms.
Black Tourmaline: Perhaps the most known benefit of the Black Tourmaline stone has to be its powerful protective properties. Similar to wearing a seat belt while driving a car, this stone offers you that extra layer of protection necessary. This is a stone so well versed at keeping you in the clear from toxic energies, that you can step out without a worry. It is a must have for clearing and purifying energy inside the body as well as your environment. It is excellent for eliminating toxic thoughts, balancing and protecting all the chakras. This powerhouse stone is also a negative ion generator and it is known for its ability to absorb EMF radiation or electromagnetic smog that may deplete your energetic vibrational field. As this stone acts as a spiritual sponge, it aids in cleansing your aura of negative debris, putting this stone under your pillow, or close to your bed, will help you to wake up relaxed and refreshed and ready to face another day.
Clear Quartz is known as the “MASTER HEALER” crystal and is one of the most widely used crystal amongst healers.The brilliant illumination of the Clear Quartz brings clarity to matters you are seeking in life. Its ability to be programmed for manifestation is unlike any other stone, helping you to manifest your intentions with crystal clear visons. Don’t be surprised that after working with a highly vibrating crystal such as this, that synchronicities will begin to appear out of the blue.In addition to all of the mentioned benefits, this trusty gem is ideal for helping you to focus and de-clutter your mind and helps to enhance memory and concentration. Clear Quartz is powerful enough to amplify any other crystal in your crystal collection.It’s an amazing amplifying stone, meaning that whatever you pour into it, will return to you in ways you couldn’t even imagine.
Citrine: Bright and bustling, this stone is a special variety of yellow quartz that brightens up the darkest of days.Like the sun, it offers a burst of bright, warm light, allowing you to bounce back from your sluggish vibes. This stone is closely associated with the lower chakras where personal power, passion, creativity, intimacy and joy is generated. This stone helps to bring these chakras into alignment, and helps to keep you grounded, helping you to unblock the energy that has kept you lethargic and stagnant.If you have been running low on energy resources: emotional, physical, or spiritual, Citrine will offer you an instant pick-me-up and serve as power generator of abundance, vitality and wealth.
**Disclaimer** Although the Metaphysical properties of these products are very potent and are meant to assist in enriching your energetic aura, they are not in any way meant to provide or replace conventional medical advice, treatment, diagnosis or as substitute to consulting with a licensed medical health care practitioner.