Have fun checking out all of my favorite items that I personally use in my Spiritual Tool Kits.
Featuring my favorite high vibrating crystals to help you on your spiritual ascension journey. I'm sure you will love each item just as much as I do !
I hand pick and put together each order myself, as well as bless each item before it ships out.
Much Love,
I call this bracelet "DOUBLE TROUBLE” because it boasts two of the most powerful crystals in the energy protection field and combined, the following gemstones are sure to repel any negative spells (which are commonly used words that keep us in fear, as well as aid us manifest our desires with ease and grace. So when trouble is near, you are doubly protected with double the manifesting power.
With all time fear mongering on the rise intended to target the rising consciousness of humanity, we must carry strong protective armor that will repel the negativity and help to keep us in our highest vibration. Wearing this combination will help us to stay grounded and as I like to say "Stay in our own Lane".
Obsidian - This magical stone aids the gifts of prophesy, channeling, and scrying. It helps one to see forward and back. One of the most powerful and protecting stones there is, obsidian grounds the spirit to the earth plane. This stone is excellent for stimulating creativity and is considered one of THE stones for manifestation work. Creativity (imagination) + earth (physical) = manifestation. Bring your imagination into reality. Obsidian encourages us to see our true self, be our true self, and thereby face and adjust any personal imbalances. It helps us to let go of old attachments and fears, and to make the changes necessary on a spiritual level to move forward on the physical (earth plane) level. There is no greater stone for manifestation than obsidian. This stone is highly protective of the spirit and the soul, and repels negativity. Used as a scrying stone by Shamans, it helps to remove psychic blocks and propel us forward on our path.
Black Tourmaline - As the featured single stone is a highly protective crystal. It grounds our energy and clears and balances the chakras as it cleans the aura of any blockages. Tourmaline forms a protective shield around the spiritual body and enhances energy flow, dispelling negative energy from the auric field and protecting against psychic energy drains. Tourmaline is balancing to the emotions and chakra system, raising the vibrational level of negative energy and aiding in the cleaning and repairing of energy leaks in the aura.
All of our items are blessed by Kim before they make their journey to you 💕
Description: Stretchy bracelet with 6mm Obsidian beads, highlighted with two Black Tourmaline stones for added protection. Fits most wrists averaging 7.5 inches.
Please note that as these are natural stones mined from the earth, it is rare, however, you may find slight imperfections or finishing flaws which may occur during the delicate creation process, as well as color variations.
Disclaimer: Although the Metaphysical properties of these stones are very potent and are meant to assist in enriching your energetic aura, they are not in any way meant to provide or replace conventional medical advice, treatment, diagnosis or as substitute to consulting with a licensed medical health care practitioner.