Have fun checking out all of my favorite items that I personally use in my Spiritual Tool Kits.
Featuring my favorite high vibrating crystals to help you on your spiritual ascension journey. I'm sure you will love each item just as much as I do !
I hand pick and put together each order myself, as well as bless each item before it ships out.
Much Love,
KEY WORDS: Serenity, Joy, Peace, Light, Beauty, Truth
Angel Aura Quartz is one of the crystals in my arsenal that I find to be highly magical.It is said we all have several angels standing by us, ready, willing and able to help us work through challenging life situations with ease and grace; but first, since we are only one of the few species on earth that have been granted free-will, we will need to grant permission to have our heavenly helpers work on our behalf.
The more you work with your Angel Aura Quartz, you will begin to build a vibrational frequency match with this mighty power crystal. In turn, energy blocks from your unconscious mind will open up and new revelations will rise up through your crown chakra and filter into your conscious mind, allowing you to finally confront what has been holding you back from your true destiny.
The Angel Aura Quartz helps deliver healing properties to nourish your mind, body and soul. As colors vibrate at a specific frequency, this rainbow of crystal light will certainly help you to raise your vibration as you move into your crystal body. (To learn more about this, read the ascension chapter 11 in my book “Your Soul Purpose, Learn How to Access the Light Within”.
Sometimes as spiritual beings, we tend to see the positive aspects in people we love. We would rather wear the rose-colored glasses because we tend see other people’s true potentials instead of their flaws. Although that is a very noble approach, I believe in keeping it real. Angel Aura Quartz helps you to see things with authenticity and honesty. Whether this means to become more honest and loving with yourself or others, you’ll appreciate the effect its energy has on your overall well-being.
Allow the angels to help you to fall back in love with the endless possibilities that life represents using Angel Aura Quartz and allow their properties to serve as your whimsical, magical guide.
Suggested Affirmation: I call upon my divine spirit guides and angels to assist me in seeing the value of every situation. I give permission to the highest ranking angels in the heavenly realms to work with me to co-create my highest and most rewarding timeline for not only myself, but for the highest good of all concerned. Thank you for walking beside me showing me how to flow with ease and grace as I navigate through my current soul's journey. And so it is !
You will receive one Angel Aura Quartz point. (unless you choose the "buy more and save" option). Average measurement is approximately 1 - 1.5 inches in length. Please Note: Points may be chipped as these stones are in natural form .
All of our items are blessed by Kim before they begin their journey to you 💓